21 of 32
Art 32 Basel, Basel 2001

Art 32 Basel, Basel 2001

Polke's Pasadena Stones, 2000

computer, camera, projector
Variable dimensions


Polke’s Pasadena Stones, Galerie Michael Janssen, Cologne 2000 · Polke’s Pasadena Stones, Max Planck Haus, Munich 2001 · Art Unlimited, Art 32 Basel, Basel 2001 · Invisible – Media Art Award 2004, Museum for Contemporary Art and Media Museum (ZKM), Karlsruhe 2004


Net Art Guide, ed. by Hans-Jörg Bullinger, Thomas Renner, Anette Weisbecker, Fraunhofer Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO, Stuttgart 2000, p. 192, p. 193 · Examples 2000 – Cultural Awards of the Country Upper Austria, ed. by Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung, Institut für Kulturförderung, Linz 2000, p. 23 · Parnass, Issue 2, ed. by Charlotte Kreuzmayr, PARNASS Verlag Ges.m.b.H., Vienna 2000, p. 132, p. 133 · Art Unlimited, ed. by Renate Palmer, Ursula Diehr, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Art Basel 32, Ostfildern-Ruit and Basel, 2001, p. 55 · Camera Austria Nr. 73, ed. by Manfred Willmann, Graz 2001, p. 62, p. 63 · Crudelia? Nr. 7, ed. by Marta Massaioli, Rome 2001, p. 10 · .arcadia, ed. by Christoph Merian Verlag, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel 2002, p. 12, p. 18, p. 40, p. 44, pp. 48-49, pp. 57-58, p. 73, p. 81, p. 82, p. 83, p. 84, p. 85 · Polke‘s Pasadena Stones, ed. by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft München, Munich 200, cover, p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, p. 6, p. 7, p. 8, p. 11, p. 15, p. 16, p. 17, p. 25, p. 26, p. 27, p. 28 · The Magical I – Kunstforum Bd. 163, ed. by Dieter Bechtloff, Ruppichteroth 2003, p. 144, p. 145 · The Invisible – International Media Art Award 2004, ed. by Barbara Könches, Peter Weibel, Karlsruhe, 2004, p. 410 · Social Interest Is Actually also Present, ed. by Ralph Melcher, Saarlandmuseum, Saarbrucken 2005, p. 20, p. 74, p. 75, p. 76 · Prague Biennial 2 – Expanded Painting, ed. by Giancarlo Politi, Bologna 2005, p. 89 · Invisible – Media Art Award 2004, ed. by Barbara Könches, Peter Weibel, Benteli Verlag Bern, Bern 2005, p. 410 · Parnass – Noble Collections, Issue 2, ed. by Charlotte Kreuzmayr, PARNASS Verlag Ges.m.b.H., Vienna 2005, p. 118 · I Can Hypnotize! What Can You Do?, ed. by Sammlung Ploner, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna 2007, p. 62, p. 63, p. 104, p. 105 · Could Have also Been Another Good Exhibition…, ed. by Verlag Walther König, Köln, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna 2007, p. 272, p. 273, p. 274, p. 275 · I Actually Paint Quite Differently, I just Don’t Get Round to It That Often, ed. by Leinemann-Stiftung für Bildung und Kunst, Hamburg 2017, p. 31