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Galleria d‘ Arte Moderna, Bologna 1999

Galleria d‘ Arte Moderna, Bologna 1999

Intellectual Impostures, 1999

DVD, computer, monitor, wood
118 x 62 x 45 cm, 15 x 55 x 35 cm


Officina Europa, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna 1999


Officina Europa, ed. by Angela Tosarelli, Oriano Ricci, Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Bologna, Bologna 1999, p. 56 · .arcadia, ed. by Christoph Merian Verlag, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel 2002, p. 28, p. 33, p. 41, p. 44, pp. 61-62, p. 80 · I Actually Paint Quite Differently, I just Don’t Get Round to It That Often, ed. by Leinemann-Stiftung für Bildung und Kunst, Hamburg 2017, p. 31