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Vista 001

Vista 001

Últimas noticias, 1995

5 ordenadores
Variable dimensions


Mythos Information - Welcome to the Wired World, ARS Electronica, Linz 1995


Mythos Information – Welcome to the Wired World, ed. by Karl Gerbel, Peter Weibel, ARS Electronica, Linz 1995, p. 250 · Could Have also Been Another Good Exhibition…, ed. by Verlag Walther König, Köln, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna 2007, p. 244, p. 245, p. 246, p. 247 · I Actually Paint Quite Differently, I just Don’t Get Round to It That Often, ed. by Leinemann-Stiftung für Bildung und Kunst, Hamburg 2017, p. 31